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Why Work with us @Allenby?


Allenby is underpinned by our ‘Rights Respecting’ ethos and the fact that ‘What We Do Matters'.  Our school is a small, caring community, where individuals are valued and achieve self-esteem through success. Children and adults are encouraged to belong to, learn and develop in an inclusive and positive learning environment. Our actions impact on others – ‘what we do matters’ – so in learning, attitudes, behaviour and aspirations we strive to make a difference for the better. 


Allenby’s pupils are the biggest reason to work here.  Teaching pupils who are keen and eager to learn reflects attitudes in our classes.  Disruptive behaviour during learning is rare.  Adults build warm relationships with children helping them to thrive and achieve.  You will go the extra mile to meet the needs of the children and they will do the same for you. Our amazing chidlren and committed staff will make coming work different every day. They will work hard for you and try their best with adults that do the same. 


  • Teachers work collaboratively together to assess, plan and prepare learning sharing PPA time with the closet year group. 
  • Weekly assessment meetings with all teaching staff help everyone to feel supported
  • Each class has a full time teaching assistant
  • PPA time is taken as a single morning or afternoon session together as a phase. 

"It's great to plan and bounce ideas off each other. Particularly useful in a one form entry school".

Experienced EYFS teacher

  • A dedicated workroom is available for all teachers and teaching partners to work together fully equipped with ICT access. All teaching staff get a school laptop, class IPad and class based PCs. 
  • Phase Leaders are responsible for the day-to-day needs and outcomes of the each year group, with each phase is led by an experienced Deputy Headteacher.
  • Every class has two adults, Teacher and Teaching Partner within it and additional support staff for children with additional needs are distributed and supported by our experienced SENCo and Deputy Headteacher.
  • Our Specialist Learning Unit for children with Server Learning Difficulties (SLD). Amber and Diamond Classes are supported by two experienced special needs teachers and a high number of specialist trained teaching partners. We have 1 adult to 2 children ratio in both classes.      

We have the pleasure of working with children in an stimulating environment that brings something new and exciting every day. We have the benefit of working with mainstream school but with a specialist unit. We have the best of best worlds.” 

SLD Unit Teaching Partner 



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