Article of the Month
Article 14 - Every child has the right to think and believe what they want and to practise their religion, as long as they are not stopping other people from enjoying their rights. Governments must respect the rights of parents to give their children information about this right.
Welcome to Allenby Primary School. We are a Unicef Rights Respecting School and this underpins much of what we do, why we do it and how it's done. We are a one-form entry school and are immensely proud of this. By it's very nature, we are smaller than most local schools and we feel this provides us with the opportunity to more actively engage with parents and carers in planning each child’s learning journey. Staff all know every pupils' names, motivations and individual needs. We all know that good things come in small packages and a truer word can not be said about our school. We may be small in size, but we are big in heart, love, courage, kindness and academic excellence. We are fortunate enough to have a special needs Unit attached to our school and we view this as one of most treasured features.
At Allenby Primary we aim to create happy, thoughtful children who wish to grow up to make a difference in the world they live in. We believe in balance in all aspects of education and this drives much of what we do: healthy bodies, healthy minds and healthy academic progress. Everything we do here is about supporting our pupils to become the best versions of themselves that they can be.
Our school motto is ‘growth and contribution: what we do matters’ and this stems from empowering every member of our community to understand that they can make a difference. Growth is about getting better and striving to be the very best versions of ourselves. Contribution is about giving back and leading by example.
Our school ethos is built around The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, or UNCRC. We have worked hard in recent years to secure the Rights Respecting Gold Award, the first school in Ealing and one of only very few schools in London.
Everything we do is based around our 5 articles and our core values:
Our 5 Rights:
1. The Right to Safe
2. The Right to be Educated
3. The Right to Play
4. The Right to be Healthy
5. The Right to be Heard
Our 6 Allenby Values:
1. Step Up
2. Be the Change
3. Aim High
4. Choose Kindness
5. Belive You Can
6. Together We Can.
These ‘Rights and Values' are used as a cornerstone in how we deal with all situations at our school and how we reward and challenge our children. We believe that by demonstrating these ‘Rights and Values’ every day, children will become positive members of their school and local community. Our parents, carers and guardians are vital partners in all the work we do. It is important that together we build a firm relationship between home and school. Children only get one chance at primary school and we work tirelessly to ensure that these years count and provide a springboard for later success, whatever that may look like. We know it is likley that we are preparing our children for a world of work that we cannot even conceive of yet, which is why developing our pupils' character, as well as their academic abilities is just as important.
I joined Allenby Primary in April 2022 and am immensely proud to be the headteacher of such a caring, hard-working school.
Mr Hickman on behalf of the Allenby School Team.
Please find some useful links to our home learning platforms. Contact your class teachers for any additional support via Class Dojo