SEND Policies at Allenby

Children learn at different speeds and in different ways.
Some children may have difficulty with the following areas:
- reading, writing, numbers
- talking and listening
- developing social skills
- physical skills
- emotion, mental health and behaviour.
A child who needs a lot of extra help in any of these areas has special educational needs (SEN). Some children may have SEN because of a medical condition or a disability. Other children may have SEN without a diagnosis or a disability.
At Allenby, in addition to the mainstream part of the school, there are two classes (Diamond class and Amber class) for children with complex needs.
At Allenby, we believe that each child with SEN, no matter how complex the need, can learn and experience success. Our teaching staff is committed to work together with the child and their parents in order to secure very good progress since their starting point, academically and socially.