Online Safety
"Learning on computers in ICT in an interactive way makes learning more fun and interesting."
Online Safety @ Allenby
The internet can be great fun. You can chat to your friends, play games and learn about new things. But sometimes things happen which can make you upset. People may say mean things which make you feel sad, or you may see something that you don’t like. At Allenby Primary School, the safety of our pupils is extremely important. This includes ensuring that we educate them on how to be safe internet users and also supporting parents with this important issue at home.
All pupils and staff adhere to our Internet Safety and Acceptable Use Policies that all famlies sign up to. We have filters in place to protect and monitor computer and internet use. Occasionally children will see things that are unsuitable on the internet and they have been taught what to do in such an event. All pupils know to report anything to a member of staff, so it can be looked into.
At Allenby, we recognise that while parents/carers have the responsibility to monitor their children's use of the internet and related communication technologies safely in the home, issues that arise at home may impact on relationships in school. Where this occurs, we aim to work in partnership with parents/carers to ensure children develop their understanding of the importance of e-safety.
To learn more about E-Safety please click on the ICT and E-Safety Policy, Parents Guide to E-Safety or on any of the links below.
To access the Safer Internet Day January 2018 Powerpoint and web links click below...
Parental Control Information for Popular Devices

To find our more about partetnal cpontrols on Apps and popular games please click below or on the image above.
The parent controls below get updated on a regualr basis and more devices get added every week. Follow the link below to get the most update informtion from Internet Matters.
The Adventures of Kara, Winston and the SMART Crew
Click on the e-safety video clips below or visit the Kidsmart website also below.