Childcare Options in Ealing

Child Care Options
After-school clubs
Provide a safe environment for children after school and offer a wide range of play activities. Clubs are generally linked with local schools and provide a collection service to the venue. Search theFamily Services Directory for after-school clubs in the borough.
Breakfast clubs
Provide a safe environment for children before school, usually from around 8am until lessons begin. They will take your children to school in time for their first lesson or registration. Search the Family Services Directory for breakfast clubs in the borough.
Children’s centres
The Children’s Centres programme is based on the idea that providing integrated services improves outcomes for young children and their families. The purpose of each centre is to offer joined up services including education, childcare, family support and health services.
In Ealing there are many examples of integrated services, which are continuously developing at each centre. Search the Family Services Directory for children's centres in the borough.
Care for children in the childminder's home and are registered to look after a maximum of up to six children under eight. This includes their own, with no more than three children under five, and one under twelve months. We have childminders who speak different languages, pick up from various schools, and can provide flexible childcare hours. Search the Family Services Directory for childminders in the borough.
Crèches (registered with Ofsted)
A safe supervised play area for a group of children whose parents are occupied in an activity eg at a sports club or on a training course. Search the Family Services Directory for crèches in the borough.
Day nurseries
Day nurseries are for children under five years old, where they can play, learn and have fun in-groups while their parents work or study. Search the Family Services Directory for day nurseries in the borough.
Holiday playschemes
Cater for children of school age and operate during some or all of the school holidays. They offer a wide range of play activities. Search the Family Services Directory for playschemes in the borough.
Provide childcare in the parents' home and can look after children of any age. There are no legal requirements on a person applying to work as a nanny. It is up to parents to make sure that the nanny will look after their children well. For more information on nanny agencies in the area call the Family Information Service.
Nursery schools
Provide early education and childcare. They offer full and half days and are staffed by teachers and assistants. They are generally for three and four year olds. Search the Family Services Directory for nursery schools in the borough.
Pre-schools (formerly known as playgroups)
Part-time care for children between two and a half and five years old. Normally operate in the mornings for two and a half hour sessions, some offer an extended stay. Search the Family Services Directory for pre-schools in the borough.
Activities for children
Play centres
Play centres are activity-based centres that have outside play areas. They operate on a drop-in basis and are free of charge. Some play centres also run childcare facilities.
Stay and play/parent and toddler groups
These groups provide an opportunity for young children (usually under five) to meet and play, and for parents to get to know other families. Normally, toys are provided and tea/coffee can be purchased. Some groups have a speaker from time to time to discuss specific topics. Search the Family Services Directory for stay and play groups in the borough.
Toy libraries
Lend out toys - sometimes for a small charge. There are toy libraries in Ealing with toys adapted for children with special needs. Contact the Family Information Service for details.