About Us
Year 6
"A caring and polite school which respects children's rights and responsiblities. Children have the chance to explore through learning as well as have the right to be safe. Allenby is a Rights Respecting school."

Allenby Primary School is a popular oversubscribed small school in Southall.
Our mission statement tells you what we believe in:
'Our school is a small, caring community, where individuals are valued and achieve self-esteem through success. Children and adults are encouraged to belong to, learn and develop in an inclusive and positive learning environment. Our actions impact on others - 'what we do matters' - so in learning, attitudes, behaviour and aspirations we strive to make a difference for the better'.
There are always lots of things going on, so this website will give you a taster of the school, as well as giving regular updated information for both parents and children.
We hope that you enjoy your visit to our website, and you find what you are looking for. Please feel free to phone or call in at the school if you need any more information.
Thank you for visiting!