Teaching @Allenby
Our vision for teaching, learning and assessment are based on research and the years of experience from both within the school and from external advisors. Structured blueprints and frameworks are in place to support all staff but we retain the design and implementation of learning to be a teachers role and one of the best parts of it. We aim for consistency with autonomy:
“I have the chance to teach creative and meaningful lessons, supported by shared PPA and a school environment that allows me to work seamlessly with my teaching partner and other colleagues. We are a family of adults designing and driving the education for our community. …every day is different and exciting. I have helped to develop and choose our Science curriculum and we are all really looking forward to teaching it next term.
Mainstream class teacher
- Allenby ‘Blueprint’. Our clear framework for assessment, teaching and learning. This has led to improved standards and teachers feeling supported whilst retaining their professional freedom.
- Target Tracker. Allenby’s web-based assessment system helps teachers to know what children can and cannot do helping support planning.
- Support with data interpretation and tracking, planning and assessment takes place weekly with our SLT
- The opportunity to work with our specialist teaching staff from our SLD unit to see how they teach these marvellous children benefits our whole school.
- We are the founding member of the Single Schools Network in Ealing and actively look to share good practice and practical ideas across all 5 schools.
Behaviour & Personal Development
Pupil’s behaviour and personal development is a strength at Allenby because:
- Our Rights Respecting Ethos, School Charter and class charters are the cornerstone of our school.
- Children developed and now own the behaviour elements of our school and continue to develop it through the work of our Rights Respecting Officers
- Dedicated Clinical Phycologist on site once a week to support children with more complex issues surrounding behaviour and anything else that affects learning. This service is also in place to support adults within the school.
PPA and Specialists Teaching
Our PPA is mainly run by specialist teachers and our SLT, so we can keep in touch with our children. Music, French and PE are taught by subject specialist teachers during PPA or assessment meeting time and they provide additional support time, increasing quality for children and reducing your teaching workload.